Sounds silly but for IBS...
When you need to stop an attack in its tracks, use a wide mouth cup for your high volatile oil tea...
A high volatile oil medicinal tea, particularly peppermint or fennel, is one of the fastest ways to stop an IBS attack in its tracks.
And this sounds silly but if you suddenly need help NOW, you can’t wait, brew that tea in a cup or mug with a wide mouth.
Why? Because that allows for a rapid dispersal of the volatile oils in the steam, which you can use to your advantage.
Just breathing in those volatile oils gets some of them into the mucous membranes of your nose, and from there they can rapidly absorb into your bloodstream.
Even better, a wide mouth cup makes it easy to take little baby sips - which might be the only kind you can take when you’re doubled over in pain.
Those baby sips will then get the volatile oils in the tea into your mouth.
And from there the buccal mucous membranes that line the insides of your cheeks are so highly permeable they will absorb the volatile oils quickly and directly into your bloodstream.
Just sipping and swishing the tea around in your mouth can help, before you even swallow.
Sometimes it’s a silly little thing that’s magic for IBS.
You are not alone.
P.S. Watch for the Tummy Tea sale starting Sunday!
P.P.S. If you have any questions or comments I'd love to hear them - just reply to this email to reach me directly. I am overwhelmed with emails but I try to answer everyone. If you need immediate help please join my private IBS coaching.
Heather Van Vorous
Over 40 years dealing with IBS
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